A review by billymac1962
Prince of Nightmares by John McNee


What a great concept for a horror novel: A hotel that boasts terrifying nightmares for its guests.

To this day, the the most terrifying movie I have seen is Burnt Offerings. The reason for this is the recurring nightmares that Oliver Reed's character has about the hearse chauffeur. There is a paralyzing terror when you are in the grip of a nightmare, obviously because there are no bounds to the imagination and you are powerless to do anything about it. Only a wash of relief when you wake up, take stock of your surroundings, and realize you're safely back in bed.

Prince of Nightmares was indeed a feast of the imagination. John McNee certainly has the right stuff describing the horrors experienced by his hapless guests, horrors that would make Clive Barker proud. And, this is fine, fine writing to boot.

I didn't much care for how things were resolved towards the end, but I really dug the nightmares, and a lot of the storyline. There are images presented that I could actually feel, and I won't forget those for a long time. For that alone, Prince of Nightmares gets a solid 4 stars from me and a hearty recommendation for those seeking creepage. Enjoy!