A review by ehays84
Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas by Annie Dillard, Thomas Merton, Dietrich Bonhoeffer


I didn't read every word of this book, but I read a good chunk, and being a new Dad, I feel that it is fair that I post this as "read" because reading time is tough to come by these days.

Not quite what I hoped--it is quite esoteric and not quite as unified as I had hoped. I suppose I have preferred single author advent/christmas/epiphany devos more than this (such as the compiled Chesterton one or especially Wangerin's Waiting for Jesus) because they are more unified and you can follow the theme throughout. I think that model works better with following the theme/waiting for Jesus over Advent and then following afterwards.

Still, a lot of deep wisdom, and from authors I hadn't been acquainted with before. I will come to this in future years.