A review by lauren_soderberg
Betting On Sin by Maria Ann Green


Maria Ann Green’s Betting on Sin is a great follow up to Betting on Love, and though isn't quite as "safe" as its predecessor, it’s still a satisfying read.

When Greta signed on to be a contestant on the popular dating show, The Key, she had no idea she’d be chosen to be the bachelorette for its next season. As she wades through all of the eligible bachelors in the group, she find herself constantly drawn to Ollie, her shy cameraman. But Ollie has a girlfriend, and Greta is legitimately looking for love… what could possibly go wrong?

I love how Green has deftly tapped into the reality TV dating world by creating her own unique spin on the genre. Greta is endearing because she’s so flawed, though she does make one choice in the book that I didn’t love.
SpoilerWithout giving away too much, I’ll say that if you’re looking for a totally “safe” romance that doesn’t have any cheating, you won’t get that from this novel.
Ollie is also adorably flawed, and their chemistry is steamy. I love a kind, sensitive male protagonist, and Ollie definitely fits that bill.

Fans of Betting on Love will be pleased by the Nova and Jesse cameos that happen, and love the expansion of Greta’s character. My only hope is that a certain new Bachelor gets his own book, too. Because he was intriguingly mysterious.

An ARC was generously provided in exchange for my honest review.