A review by aboutthatstory
All I Want by Jill Shalvis


This story was adorably awesome! I loved it! Sexy, funny, and sweet, I couldn't read it fast enough! I felt like I was right there, feeling what they were feeling from beginning to end. I was 100% invested!

Parker and Zoe were such fantastic characters. They had awesome chemistry with fun, playful animosity that built and built into combustible heat. I loved learning their back stories and the overall development. I was just filled with so much anticipation while reading, it was extremely witty and I found myself laughing on numerous occasions. This was just such an enjoyable read with all the sparks flying - playful and flirty. There was a fanatic build to the hotness too! I loved it all!

Woven in was an element of intrigue that added a nice amount of drama. I like how it all balanced out. I also loved the animals (seriously! so cute!). There were so many things I could picture in my head and it just made me happy. I really liked the other characters I met as well and am excited there are so many other stories in this series written that I can read.

Great ending. Sweetest epilogue ever. Everything was just so great and I couldn't get enough. This was a story that made me happy and kept me on the edge of my seat with likable characters and a major amount of sexiness. Excellent read!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.