A review by bestdressedbookworm
Dystopian Dreams: Four Stories from The Last Book Café on Earth by Alison Ingleby


How do you know that you really enjoyed a dystopian story? You get to the end of it and you wished there was another 100 pages!
4 incredible short stories written by 4 amazing dystopian authors.

Alison Ingleby's "The Machinists Daughter" is a story about the rules that you will break to protect your family and survive. A father out of work after an injury, a mother with an addiction, a sister that is doing nothing but causing trouble and one girl that is trying to keep her family together and alive

Clare Littlemore's "The Gender Guardian" is what the world would be like if men and women were segregated. In this world men are considered basic and vicious and not apart of the civilisation Auro grew up in until she runs away and finds herself face to face with the people she has been taught are dangerous, the enemy and not to be trusted.

Tracey Korn's "The Feral" Is a story of how far you would go to have everythign you have ever wanted after a freak accident, but at what price, what rules will you break, how much trouble are you willing to get into.

Alanah Andrews "Vessels" This is the shortest of the 4 stories so i won't give to much away but if you love stories that have to do with people taking over another body like i do you will really enjoy this, and you know if its a hsort stlry all is not gping to go well.