A review by reader44ever
Odd Boy Out: Young Albert Einstein by Don Brown


This book was an excellent introduction to the life of Albert Einstein. For me, it won't be an Introduction, though. It will likely be the entirety of what I'll read about him. But I enjoyed it and learned some things about a great man.

I say I learned "some" things, but there's really only one thing that I'm taking away from this book: I learned that he was a pretty nasty child, with an awful temper. He was violent, even, toward his poor little sister. :-( (Throwing a hard ball at her? Hitting her in the head with a hoe? She's lucky to have survived with her brain intact!)

In the author's note after the "story," I learned that Albert Einstein didn't win the Nobel Prize for either E=MC^2 or his Special Theory of Relativity. Instead, he earned it for On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, his work on the nature of light.

I did learn that, as I expected, he wasn't interested in the usual pursuits of boys. Sports and military parades held no interest for him. But I was sad to learn that he had a violent temper as a child. And, as I said above, it's likely that this is the only thing I'll really remember about having read this biography. :-(