A review by mustlovemustypages
The Hotel of Horrors by Duendes del Sur, Kate Howard


So... all of the other reviews talk about how they read this with their children. I am 22 years old and single with not a kid in sight. What I DO have, however, is a horrible streaming connection and great love for Scooby-Doo that I was trying to fill by watching some old episodes. I saw this book available online from my local library when I was looking for something to do to pass the time before I could start watching some shows again and here we are.

When I was a lot younger, I used to read the Scooby-Doo! Mysteries by James Gelsey, and these are in a very similar vein. All of the main characters are here and pretty consistently portrayed with how they usually are (something that these sort of book sometimes mess up). I enjoyed the inclusion of vampires as that is an area that I have taken a lecture course in at college (yes, really) and overall this was a short, fun read that evoked many childhood memories.

Just a few criticisms are a few spots of grammar mistakes, and I wish that the images had been in color like James Gelsey's versions rather than in black-and-white.