A review by brittanyt
As You Desire by Connie Brockway


When you read an interview with Julia Quinn and she says As You Desire is one of the most underrated historical romances, you buy the book immediately! Desdemona is living with her father in Egypt. She is a talented linguist and due to her “unnatural” language capabilities, she didn’t have a normal childhood. Her number one goal is to return to England and live a “normal” life. Harry is a rogue who is in Desdemona’s circle. Years ago, she “threw” herself at him and he turned her down. She thinks Harry is uninterested, but the truth is Harry has been in love with Dizzy for years. He is dyslexic, which caused people to look down on him in England. When he came to Egypt he was able to build the scholarly life he always desired. He has no desire to return to England, but knows that is what Dizzy wants, so he never tells her how he feels.

This is the book that had the step back with our hero watching our heroine sleep. Let me just start by saying he is in no way a creepy hero! Harry is one of the best. He was ridiculed his whole life, because of his “word blindness”. While this could have made him a bitter person, it has done exactly the opposite. His love for Desdemona is everlasting, because he refuses to get in the way of the one thing she thinks she wants. He knows returning to England would break him, but he’s unwilling to ask her to give up her dreams. What Desdemona fails to realize is that living in Egypt has placed her in the position to use her intelligence. If she returns to England, she will be boxed into the life of a proper English woman. I really liked this book! There are kidnappings, rival love interests, and a good sick bed scene. This is my first Connie Brockway and there’s no way it will be my last!