A review by michaelrgoodwin
Remains by Andrew Cull


This was a gruesome story about the weight of grief, and the lengths one woman went through to get reprieve from it. Oh, and ghosts. Creepy, creepy ghosts.

The author takes command immediately, throwing you deep into despair alongside Lucy, a grieving mother. All she wants is to connect with her son, who had been murdered horrifically months before. There is a rapid descent into madness, all of which feels real and gets under your skin in the best/worst way.

The story was fast paced, creepy, unsettling, and at times downright gruesome. There were some really well-crafted moments, and I enjoyed the duality of who/what really lived in the shadows until the final reveal.

My only criticism is that some parts felt unresolved, making me wonder if the author originally planned for more from these secondary characters but ultimately decided to go a different route. The ending, albeit a little predictable, was still satisfying.

REMAINS is a great ghost story, and a recommended read. Just make sure you have the lights on.