A review by snowmaiden
Praisesong for the Widow by Paule Marshall


I found the first part of this book intriguing but rather prosaic. Avey Johnson, the main character who suddenly abandons her long-awaited Caribbean cruise on a whim, struck me as so staid, so prim, and so proper. I couldn't identify much with her at all. But then the second section, which flashes back to all the events in Avey's life that have made her so timid and so conservative, brought her to life for me. What middle-aged woman hasn't come to the realization that somewhere along the way, she took a wrong turn and has become something less than she might have been? And after she comes to this realization, there is nothing for her to do but search for a new path. I ended up loving this book, and I'm very glad to hear that it's about to be reprinted this year by McSweeney's. Maybe you'll love it, too!