A review by bengresik
The Gum Thief by Douglas Coupland


I originally picked up this book on impulse while I was killing time before work. I wasn't really expecting much, just another Douglas Coupland novel filled with dry humor and Generation X references about. When I began to read though, I became entrapped in the stories of the two main characters, Roger and Bethany, as they conferred their wisdom upon each other about their lives through the exchange of a journal.

I'm sure there are some people who would get tired of Coupland's apparent obsession with writing books about people whose lives come apart in every way at a moments notice, but there's something refreshing about reading a novel where the characters don't have it all together and that's ok. That's the thing that I enjoyed most about reading this book, and the thing I enjoy most about Coupland in general.

On an somewhat unrelated note, after reading this book I began to exchange a journal with a friend in a manner simmilar to this book and found it to be a very interesting experience.