A review by thatsoneforthebooks
Root Fractures: Poems by Diana Khoi Nguyen


✨ Review ✨ Root Fractures: Poems by Diana Khoi Nguyen

Not all poetry resonates with me, and most poetry that does, I only feel like I'm absorbing a small percentage of its meaning. This was one of the latter -- an incredible meditation on loss, family, memory, transnational bonds, ancestral trauma, and more. The repetition in titles echo throughout the books along with the holes left by the loss of her brother which repeat through the pages. The use of imagery, photos, and other creative visuals also made this a really cool work of poetry. I was definitely hooked into this one!

Genre: poetry
Pub Date: 30 Jan 2024

Thanks to Scribner and #netgalley for the gifted advanced copy/ies of this book!