A review by eesh25
Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis


A slightly different experience from my first read. For one, I liked the first book more this time around. Also, having watched the movie too many times and read the book only once, I'd forgotten that, after a while, the book becomes all about Aslan. Would it be awful for me to say that I prefer the movie? I mean, the movie has its flaws (like the unneccesary romance) but it doesn't hit you over the head with all the religious allegory as much and focuses more on the characters. Does that make me a traitor to readers everywhere? Hopefully not.


I'm pretty sure that I liked this book more than the first one. Maybe it was because I was prepared for the writing style and the fact that this series is very bed-time-story-esque.

I was far more invested in the book. I already knew most of the story since I've watched the movie about a dozen times. There are differences of course. For one, Trumpin is not nearly as grumpy. Just sceptical. Reepicheep is pretty much the same. I think they tried to add something more to the story in the movie by showing Peter having trouble being a kid. It was a nice addition, one that wasn't in the book. I kinda wish it was though. It would've given the characters more depth.

But not worries, this book is still great and I has a great time reading it. I wish I'd read it as a kid, though.