A review by bhnmt61
Believe Me: A Memoir of Love, Death, and Jazz Chickens by Eddie Izzard


Other than knowing that Eddie Izzard is a trans British comedian, I really knew nothing about him before I picked up this book. I saw it on a list of books recommended by Bill Gates, and the idea that a billionaire, nerdy tech-guy would consider this a worthwhile read intrigued me. But the first third of it, covering Izzard's childhood and the death of his mother, is standard issue celebrity bio. I almost put it down. It gets more interesting once he starts working. I was impressed by his stubborn persistence. I give up on an idea that doesn't pan out after a year or two, but he worked for twenty years in one capacity or another before he really became successful, without knowing whether or not he would ever be successful. It's not the thoughtful, reflective memoir I wish it was--I really wish he had written more about the trans experience-- but I'm glad I read it.