A review by eyreguide
Sightwitch by Susan Dennard


This novella is a new adventure that helps you understand some of the characters from Truthwitch - specifically Kullen and Ryber’s relationship. It also helps to set up events in the next book in the series - Bloodwitch. I’m eager to see how it all adds to the lore since this book was rich in detail and mythology.

The story is epistolary and features journal entries as well as important documents related to the beliefs of the sisterhood of Sightwitches. The sketches also add richness to the detail and I found it interesting to see how the visual compared to the one in my head. The story is mostly an account of how Ryber tries to save her friend and her fellow sisters who have been mysteriously taken. She also meets Kullen in the underground caverns, and it was wonderful to understand where their friendship originates because it is only touched on in Truthwitch. Ryber is suspicious of Kullen at first, so they have a great antagonistic relationship that develops beautifully. For such a short story, their trust and reliance on each other came about believably.

Ryber is a great protagonist too - flawed, yet full of potential and growth that she achieves over the course of the story. I loved that she is such a stickler for rules and can be very particular about how things are done - it’s a lovable flaw that I identify with. It’s a great character development for her too - to learn how to adapt and accept change. Kullen was already a lovable character just from getting to know him in Truthwitch, so it was great to get another chance to see him in this book.

If you’ve read the series so far, Sightwitch is a great addition to the world of the Witchlands and gives a much deeper understanding of the magic and the difference among the people there. Ryber had such a small role in the first book and I’m glad that we finally get to know her and understand how she fits into the main story. Sightwitch also sets up some interesting questions about how the rest of the series will go.

(I received a copy of this novel from the author or publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was not compensated for this review.)