A review by mehsi
The Whispering Walls by Phil Hickes


Welcome to Shadowhall Academy.. where the walls whisper and girls disappear!

I was so excited about Phil Hickes newest book, this author knows how to write spooky/scary children/MG books, I so loved his Aveline Jones series. Plus, this one takes place in a boarding school! That is just one of those places that I LOVE when they pop up in books.

The mystery behind all the disappearances, the who-is-the-ghost. It was both terrifying, but also very sad. I don’t want to spoil anything, but I couldn’t help but feel for the ghost, for all she went through. Again, murder/killing girls is not the way to go, let me just make that clear, but I could find sympathy for this lonely girl ghost. I did love how the ghost was written, it was at times terrifying. Seeing someone who looks like a friend, but is definitely not your friend, and then also see how the ghost can distort her face/appearance, yeah, nope nope nope. Oh, and did I mention the scene where Lilian see something float/crawl in the spaces between the walls? I was just NOPING so hard at that point. Like, HECK no. Throw those walls full of concrete. Let’s go.

I just love reading about the boarding school, about Shadowhall Academy and boy, again, I wish I could just pop in the book and be part of it all. Yes, there are elements that I am not a fan of (I mean, the drafts, the cold, the beds being not that comfortable and the food not always being good), but there are too many elements that I love. Life-long friendship. Midnight feasts. Fun classes. Boarding schools are often places in the middle of nowhere and there are visits to the village(s) near it. There are big libraries. I just want to go!!! And Shadowhall sounds just so gorgeous and fun.

I really loved our MC Lilian and see what makes her tick. See why she wanted to go to this boarding school. See her make friends with her roommates. I just love that she doesn’t give up on something once she sets her sights on it and tries to help her new friends the best she can.

The roommates/later to be friends. I liked Marian quite soon, Angela was OK, but Serena took me quite a long time before I liked her. That whole scene at the beginning with her saying THAT, claiming THAT, a big pass for me. But as the story continued I could see another Serena. I loved that we got to know each of the roommates a bit more as the story continued and I loved that Marian and Lillian got so close.

Something else that I love is that this one took place in 1987! Aka, the time before internet and phones. It just made things a bit more exciting. Not that these girls would have had WiFi at a place like this, but there is a possibility they had and it would just have made things too easy in my eyes. Now the girls had to really dig deep to figure out all the clues. They had to check artifacts from the school before it was a school, they had to go to the library to ask for books about stuff, there was just so much more unpredictability about it. You also just cannot just ask for help. If you are stuck, you are stuck and good luck with that. If you want a light in the dark you need flashlights (better have some good batteries around) or a candle (better hope the wind doesn’t snuff it out).

Bonus points to Mr. Bullen and how he reacted to this group of friends trying to solve the mystery. A lot of adults in books like this would stop the group, but I am happy that while he does try to keep them out of it (because of safety and some other small reasons) he also tries to help them and at times is there right at the most convenient time. I loved finding out more about him and his character.

I am definitely curious about what is next for our group of friends. What more mysteries lie hidden in this school? More ghosts? I hope so! I would highly recommend this book to everyone who loves MG + boarding school + ghosts!

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/