A review by redhairedashreads
Ancient Retribution by Katie Reus


Series: Ancients Rising #5
Rating: 5 stars - I loved it!

Juniper is part of a black ops group that hunts down dangerous paranormal criminals. During her recent mission, she rescues a sexy dragon warrior who is determined to help her finish her mission.

I adored these two! Juniper was such a badass heroine and I loved her dragon abilities. She was smart, sexy, and dangerous, all my favorite characteristics in a heroine. Zephyr was a protective alpha male but he had no problems letting Juniper lead and fight. I loved how supportive he was of Juniper. He is constantly telling her how wonderful and dangerous she is, and it was just perfect.

This story was very action packed. Juniper and her black ops group/adopted family are hunting down human traffickers and it involves a lot of battles with various supernatural creatures. I really enjoyed the mixture of action and romance in this. It was just the perfect blend for me.

This book also had wonderful side characters. I adored all of Juniper’s group, especially Hyacinth. I really hope we get books with them falling in love because I would love to learn more about them. Also, Juniper’s family was fascinating. I loved how unique her dragon clan is and how deadly their abilities are. I do hope the Nova clan will appear in future books because I really want to know more about them now.

Overall, this was a wonderful couple and a wonderful addition to the series. I love this post-apocalyptic world and the characters within it. With each book this world just keeps getting better, and I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book.

Trigger Warnings: human trafficking, death of children

*ARC provided by Netgalley for an honest review.*

You can also find my reviews at Red-Haired Ash Reads.