A review by milivelikova
The Library of Unrequited Love by Sophie Divry


This is a French book translated beautifully in English. It's basically a monologue of a librarian who comes to open her basement floor and finds a reader who had been locked overnight.

She starts talking at them and we learn a lot about her opinions..on the Dewey decimal system. On a man she's in love with called Martin. On her colleagues. On figures in french history and french literature.

There were some poignant lines about libraries as a public service, and the people who frequent them at different times. About how people come to the library to seek refuge, or entertainment.

I read it within an hour, it's 90 pages, so an easy and quick read. The lack of chapters made sense since it's meant to represent one long monologue.. but it made it a bit tiring as I felt as if the librarian was talking to me for an hour.

I'd say 3.5* - hardcore book lovers will enjoy it. For most people this can be a skip