A review by sandrareilly513
The Betrayed by Heather Graham


I'm a sucker for ghost stories and murder mysteries, and in those regards Graham's The Betrayed is solid. I genuinely was interested in the story and read the entire book in one day. Unfortunately, the actual solving of the crimes was quite weak. The climax was a bit disappointing and lacked a certain amount of suspense even though it wasn't all that predictable. Also, the chemistry between Aiden and Maureen -- the main characters -- was certainly not developed enough. We learn a lot about them as characters and they are likeable, but there was very little development of their feelings towards one another, seemingly going from mutual attraction but indifference towards one another to "I think I'm falling in love with you". While I enjoyed the story as a whole, it is not one I would shelve in the romantic suspense section -- suspense, yes, romance, absolutely not.