A review by magazine_euphemism
The Doomsday Calculation: How an Equation That Predicts the Future Is Transforming Everything We Know about Life and the Universe by William Poundstone


A very very dense read. It took me a couple of months (though that was in part because I've been busy). I highly recommend it though for anyone with an interest in science, math, probability, history (in relation to scientific discoveries), or just their own life on Earth and how long that will last as it currently does. In the current context of the world, with COVID, it seems even scarier to think about the end of the world or the end of human life, but the theory behind that is so amazingly interesting.

Though it is dense, it is not particularly hard to understand. I'm a B/C student in both math and science and I understood the main ideas of this book. William Poundstone does an excellent job explaining fully and balancing the straight theory and the more historical aspects (when, who, and where different theories were made and the disagreements between philosophers and scientists).