A review by octavia_cade
Capture the Flag by John Vornholt

adventurous fast-paced


A quick, fun read about Geordi La Forge playing war games at Starfleet Academy. Geordi's a good choice of focus for that storyline, given that he's friendly and generally laid back, a science nerd who is really not that into war games but will still give them his best effort. I have vanishingly little interest in war games myself, so it's enjoyable to see a character who's doing his best for his team mates but isn't that invested in winning at all costs. There is, of course, one unpleasant cadet who takes the competition far too seriously and clearly wants to to smack the shit out of people, as well as a team full of the people who are always picked last in PE, and it all goes exactly how you'd expect. The total lack of surprise doesn't take away from the essential good nature of the piece, however, and by the end even the bullying cadet has become a bit more decent.

Finally, I love that Geordi ends the book more convinced than ever that science and engineering is far more interesting than being in charge and having to fight people. Because it is