A review by eesh25
Ironside by Holly Black


Ironside is the third and last book of the Modern Faerie Tales series. In the first book, we followed Kaye, a girl who finds outs she's actually a faerie, and a knight of the Unseelie Court. The second book was about a different set of character, a human and a troll. This time, we're going back to Kaye and Roiben.

They're dating. But the position of the Unseelie Court is still precarious because many people don't accept Roiben as king, and the queen of the Seelie court, who is a total bitch, is likely to make a play so that she can rule both courts. Rioben wants to keep Kaye away from danger so when she gets drunk and makes a formal declaration, asking for a quest to prove she's worthy of being the king's consort, he gives her an impossible quest. To find a faerie who can tell an untruth.

Which is a terrible idea, by the way. When you're afraid for the safety of your significant other, you talk to them about it. You don't make decisions for them! But Rioben thinks that anyone close to him will get hurt so he's trying to "protect" her by distancing her from himself.

Seriously, Roiben's levels of self-loathing are off the charts. I like him, despite the fact that he broods a lot and makes bad decisions. Similar is the case with Kaye. She's a very clever girl and I'm often impressed by her, but she can be so stupid sometimes that you just want to shake some sense into her. Yet, I really like her. I don't know how Holly Black is making me like characters I normally wouldn't, but I wholeheartedly approve.

The one she couldn't make me like is Corny. I've been on the fence about the little sidekick since book one. He's been through some terrible shit and half his mistakes aren't even his fault since his vulnerable to fae enchantment, but his actions just always bother me. And since I'm still unclear on my feelings, I've decided I don't like him. Changed my mind. He's fine.

I also like the plot and the setting Holly Black has created. The middle portion of the book was a drag but the last 100 pages so totally made up for it and, overall, I like this series. I like the connected plots, the fae world, the darker and shabbier setting (something you never see in YA) and the flawed but likable characters. And I like the way the series concluded. Also, I like that I finally finished the series. It's been on my TBR for way too long.