A review by sidharthvardhan
The Art of War by Sun Tzu


Now I'm ready to invade Poland
Okay, I understand that is not the kind of reaction Sun Tzu would have liked(best victories are won without fighting) but it makes a nice heading. His philosophy is simple - be good even if it means looking bad and to know your surroundings while you fight. He is against pretentious heroism, plunder or useless bloodshed whether that is blood of his own men or his opponents. Yet he wants you not to miss the opportunities where you can find them or to break the old moral laws where it is of advantage to you.

Not that I'm looking to lead an army or pretend that I can but there is something so honest in there that you just love it. Perhaps it is book's realism (as against the bookish morality) - something comparable to Machiavelli's 'The Prince'.