A review by countdeworde
Mysticons Volume 1 by Kate Leth


Mysticons comic book, 1st volume.
If anything is good about Black Friday sales in a country that doesn’t have Thanksgiving tradition, it’s cheaper books. The Mysticon comics sunk 50% of its former price so I bought it.

Nice plot, the writing really captured the characters and the art style is different yet recognizable and looks good, too. All in all, yes this is really a story that features the world and characters I like. I’m glad it was a concise story so it’s technically a stand-alone, though there is going to be another comics volume published in march.

Is it just me or does Em come of as smidge more assertive (and goofy)? (Not that she’s really shy or timid in the cartoon) I like it though. I like it very much.

I also happen to like the character of Kymraw as a concept. She’s the school bully, who never reflected on actions and keeps her bad ways. Unredeemable and mean through and through. She’s a troll but she’s not an idiotic troll. However brutish she is she is street smart not stupid. Make no mistake she’s not a refined, academically inteligent villain but her streetsmarts make her a surprisingly clever troll. So as a type of female villain, she’s interesting if not very likeable.

I’m glad the canon makes it obvious that Griffins are the best. Strong, fast, badass and cute.