A review by oliviapengle
Goldfish by Nat Luurtsema


DISCLAIMER: I received an advanced copy from the publisher in a Goodreads giveaway.

My full review: https://pintsnpages.wordpress.com/2016/07/08/goldfish-by-nat-luurtsema/

There is a lot to love about Goldfish. For me the best part is that Lou is immensely clever. Her character does witty play-by-play of her life that is basically unheard of in most American YA books. Rather than superficial narration using lots of oh my gods or likes, you have passages like: "I have a sudden horrible thought - how do we say hello to each other? Kiss on both cheeks? That feels dangerously French. I picture a nightmare scenario where I grab Gabe firmly by his little shoulders and kiss him on both cheeks and he tells Pete and Roman that I'm a sex pervert. (I know that's not the right phrase.)" It is very tongue and cheek, very British. I caught myself laughing to myself on many occasions. Everything I loved about Goldfish is everything I hated about Museum of Heartbreak, which I gave up on in 10 pages.