A review by eesh25
The Death Cure by James Dashner


Going into this book, I expected the ending to not be very good. Not just because I've had some bad experience with the endings of trilogies, but also because someone told me that it wasn't that great.

So imagine my surprize when we got to the ending and nothing wrog happened. I mean, a lot of things went wrong and a lot of shit went down, but all of it was leading up to a satisfying end. I'm not gonna say to a good end because this book wasn't exactly the happily ever after type. But it was satisfying. And... revelatory to say the least.

The epilogue was shocking but, at the same time, not shocking. After everything that went down throughout the series and after learning what people are capable of, not much could surprize you.

One thing did piss me off though. And that was:
SpoilerI kinda got spoiled that Newt was going to die. I wasn't a hundred percent sure (or more like I was in denial) but I knew he was going to die somehow. Newt was my favourite character. Afetr finding out about his impending demise, I decided to change my favourite character (someone I liked almost as much). That was Teresa. And then Teresa died too. So, screw you James Dashner for killing off all my favourite characters.

Finally... this was a really good series and I loved reading it. I'm gonna be picking up The Kill Order soon, after I process this book. Highly recomment the series and hope that everyone enjoys it just as much.