A review by fourclarkes
Alpha by Jasinda Wilder


I liked this book. I knew what I was getting into as I read a number of the reviews prior to reading it. It was heavy on the sex and language and neither of which offend me so I was fine with it. The reason I didn't give the book a higher rating was because for me, I needed a little bit more and I didn't love the main character.

My dislikes:
Kyrie - as the main character and person who's POV the book is in, for me to truly really like a book I needed to really like her and I didn't. She would say she was a certain way and didn't give in easily but she did. Everyone liked her instantly and I couldn't figure out why because I did not.
Insta-love - I needed a longer courtship. I have never been a fan of "love" after a week and just have a hard time accepting it. The love happened quickly for our main character and it sometimes a turn-off for me.
Wording - sometimes that words used to describe things were off-putting. I dislike the word "boob" and it was used frequently. I also dislike c-u-next-tuedsay, I tolerate it in very specific circumstances and these were not them.

Sex - I like, I like reading about it and I like when it is hot. In this book, it was. It was often and it was hot.
Story - The story kept me interested and I wanted to learn the secrets.
Roth - Yeah, I liked him.

So all-in-all it was a 3 because I liked it.