A review by hannahhbic
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan


Boy howdy this one ripped my soul to shreds and I thanked it for doing so. She Who Became the Sun is for people who love epic fantasies spanning many years with plentiful richly described settings. The prose in this book is on another level. Good lord. I need the physical book, I think, just to go back and memorize some of my favorite quotes. Natalie Naudus, always the right choice, did a splendid job with the narration. It was always clear whose POV was taking place and which characters were speaking. There's a huge cast too so that's triply impressive imo. My favorite character is Ma but after her it's definitely the protags. Are they on opposite sides of a war? Yeah totally but they go HARD and it's unbelievable sometimes the lengths these characters are willing to go to in order to accomplish their goals. Good for them tbh.

readalikes include: [b:Iron Widow|52459864|Iron Widow (Iron Widow, #1)|Xiran Jay Zhao|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1617986668l/52459864._SY75_.jpg|77901205]