A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
For Fox Sake by Emma Dean


This book has been on my e-reader for quite some time already and it has been even longer on my wishlist. It's almost a year ago that someone first told me to read a book by Emma Dean and that this was the perfect starting point. However, there are so many books I wanna read and I keep on adding new ones to the list and e-reader. But, this was the perfect book to fill the "author name starting with a D" - option for the N.E.W.T.'s.

It didn't take long for me to get into this book. The first chapter was already quite amazing, introducing the characters in the best way possible and I was so curious to know what was going on and what was going to happen. It's a pity that I had to work in between, else I would have maybe binged the entire series in one day.

This book was a little bit of everything I like. The characters in this book are quite intelligent and even though hormones are messing with their brains it's not that bad. On top of that there is a lot of politics in this book and I'm very sure there's much more to come in the other books. To make it even more perfect we have a heroine who is strong and not just because she knows how to fight and we have three lovely men, all very different and unique.

There's also a really nice build up. Usually when characters discover in chapter three that they are mates, it doesn't take that long before they end up in bed together, but in this case the characters really thought things through. The attraction was there, the lust was there, but they really wanted to make sure that this was what they wanted, that this was how they wanted their future to be, before they acted on all those feelings and emotions. That made the moments it eventually happened even better.

And then there was the finale. Damn! I can't wait to see where this is going!