A review by pattydsf
A Gentleman Never Tells by Juliana Gray


“In more than six years of clandestine service to his Queen and country, Lord Roland Penhallow had never before been summoned to the private library of the Bureau chief himself.
It could mean only one thing: He had inadvertently killed somebody.
Roland couldn’t imagine how. The last caper had tied up as neat as a bow, with hardly any noise and only a very little blood. Even the most perfidious villain can be made to serve some purpose, Sir Edward would intone, pressing one blunt forefinger into the polished mahogany of his Whitehall desk, but a dead body is a nullity. Roland had taken that advice to heart as a new recruit, and had lived by it ever since.”

This is the second volume in the series, Affairs by Moonlight. I don’t go out of my way to read series in order, but this time since all of Gray’s books in this series are on OverDrive, it is pretty easy to get them all. I have one more – who knows when I will read that one.

Once again Gray fulfills my requirements for historical romances. I get good characters and interesting world and drama well-written, but easily solved.

I was surprised by some of the topics covered by this romance. Usually the heroine is unattached and so the hero can swoop in and win her. In this case, the heroine is married. It did make for a different story.