A review by whatyoutolkienabout
Lakesedge by Lyndall Clipstone


Review: Lakesedge by Lyndall Clipstone

Firstly I want to say the writing style of this novel is absolutely gorgeous. I don’t think I have read something so beautifully penned in a long time. It is almost lyrical in parts and helps build the atmosphere perfectly. The story was everything I wanted it to be. The story is woven so well and perfects the gothic fantasy genre to a tee.

The story follows Violeta Graceling and her younger brother Arien who arrive at the haunted Lakesedge estate, they expect to find a monster. Rowan Sylvanan, the estate owner drowned his entire family when he was a boy and terrifying rumours have grown up around the event and estate. Only Leta and Arien soon find out that neither the monster or the estate are what they appear to be.

Leta begins to fall for Rowan and thus discovers he is bound to the Lord Under, a death god lurking in the black waters of the lake. Finding herself drawn to the creature Leta must confront the darkness in her past, including unraveling the mystery of her connection to the Lord Under to have a chance of saving Rowan or herself.

This novel is truly magical and not only in setting! The characters are amazing, the descriptions perfection and the storyline is engaging. I have ordered a physical copy of this book and I am sure it will be one of my favourites and most reread.

I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for a good gothic fantasy. It has everything you could possibly want and more.