A review by brencoombs
Colorblind by Siera Maley


This was such an interesting premise that I've never seen before and I fell in love with Chloe instantly. I had a very hard time liking Harper, but eventually came around as she matured towards the end. It just felt like things kept happening to Harper, rather than her making actual decisions about things, so it was difficult to get to know her character (actions = character). Her dad's girlfriend decides Harper should leave their trip, Robbie decides Harper should go back to the hospital, etc. etc.

I also wish certain things had been more fleshed out, especially the ending and Chloe's number changing! They gave such a simple answer for why it happened and Harper didn't even have anything to do with that. If that's the case, then have Harper have ANY sort of discovery about it. There was so much build-up between she and Robbie about fate and higher power and pre-destination, but that just fell flat at the end. Where was the follow through? Also, I was certain that the way the girls met would have been a warning sign to Harper and maybe she would have spent her time with Chloe teaching Baxter not to run in front of cars. Maybe I'm just too familiar with Chekov's gun...

The 2nd half felt rushed and there wasn't enough angst. The girls had also already made up after their fight, before the accident, but I would've liked to see Harper fighting for Chloe more. When Harper could've been like, "I have to go back to the hospital and tell her to fight, I never got to make up with her" or something like that, then Chloe wakes up. Plus, the epilogue should have been an actual chapter. Show us, don't tell us. It makes me so made when an ending is basically an outline, rather than actually fleshed out. You brought us all the way here, why leave us hanging at the end?

I really did enjoy the book, I just think it could have been so much better if it had been given more care.