A review by thebooksareeverywhere
The Territory by Sarah Govett



I have been provided with a copy of the book and payment by the author in exchange for an honest review. This has not changed my review in any way.

I started this book thinking it might take me a while to get into. Thinking it might be a little young and not something I'd usually read. But soon enough, I was picking this book up whenever I had a spare minute just to find out what was happening next.

Rather than this book being in chapters, it had a break every couple of pages and I loved that. It meant that I didn't have to committ myself to sitting down and finishing 20+ pages, and that I could literally read this book whenever. And that's one of the reasons I finished this one in under 2 days!

I also found the writing utterly captivating. Although this book read as though it would suit young teens, I still enjoyed it immensely. Because of this, the book was only 200 pages long and very easy to read, which I loved!

I adored the characters and world. The world had just enough relating to Earth as we know it to ensure I could picture everything clearly, but enough differences to make it stand completely on it's own as something unique. And this book is just that - unique.

Noa lives in a difficult, dangerous and terrifying world and I felt I could really relate to her feelings. Her thoughts shone through incredibly in the writing and I felt her emotions clearly. Noa isn't the only character I loved - this book actually has some really great side characters. I felt close to Noa's friends and family and I felt everything they went through right along with them.

Overall, The Territory is intense, emotional and unique. It left me with tears in my eyes, and now I'm absolutely hooked and can't wait to continue with the story! I would highly recommend this book for teens aged 12-16 and are readers of dystopia.



May your shelves forever overflow with books! ☽