A review by carolsnotebook
Candy Corn Murder by Leslie Meier


Candy Corn Murder is the first Lucy Stone I’ve read, even though it’s #22 in the series. The cover is just too cute to pass up. That being said, maybe if I had read earlier ones in the series, I would have enjoyed this one more.

The author spent a lot of time introducing the characters and getting us involved in the town life. As this was my first time in Tinker’s Cove I appreciated it, but I feel like if you had read the others, you might be thinking “get a move on.” Of course, I can’t tell which are recurring characters and which are new to the series, so maybe it was all necessary.

The murder itself and the solution was interesting, as was the reason a certain somebody was against the Halloween festival. I liked seeing Lucy hunt down the clues and put it altogether, but it was a bit rushed.

My main problem, though, was I didn’t really like any of the characters. Lucy was okay I guess; I didn’t dislike her but she seemed to let people take advantage of her and didn’t really have much of a personality. Her husband was a bit of a jerk and sexist. Her grandson was cute, but his parents seemed a little nuts, even if they weren’t actually present. The day care worker was a snob. Her friends each seemed to have their own agenda when they asked her to do something. The only people I actually liked were the two daughters she had at home, they seemed like real teenage girls.

In addition to the murder, the story touches on violence against women, and although I think it’s an important topic, the coverage here felt a bit contrived.

It just overall didn’t work for me. I doubt I’ll read any others in the series.