A review by booksonhermind
Chocolate-Covered Baloney by K.D. McCrite


She's Got Books on Her Mind

"What I wanted to do was stay in our nice, warm house, crawl up on my bed, wrap myself in the raggedy old blanket I'd had since I was little, and read that book that was supposed to be over my head. That's what I wanted to do, but something inside me said, "April Grace Reilly, something is Going On, and you need to find out what."

April Grace Reilly knows that her sister's up to no good what with her hanging around the mailbox all of a sudden and getting so defensive when she asks what she is doing. Her sister even threatens to tell their mama about some things April Grace doesn't want her to know. She's also been acting like she's doing so much homework when she knows for a fact that she's just reading her fashion magazines. April Grace knows she's up to something but she's going to have to get proof this time so someone will believe her before something terrible happens like it has happened in the past. But, then comes a surprise visitor that changes everything. Now April Grace is trying to be there for her mother and grandmother while seeing if there is some connection with her sister's odd behavior and this horrid visitor coming into town.

I recently reviewed the first book in the Confession of April Grace series, In Front of God and Everybody. I haven't read the second book yet but when I saw this on NetGalley I couldn't resist! A review saying that you didn't need to read the other books to follow along with this story also swayed my decision to request the third book with April Grace. There were two big shocks that came along with this story. The first one is because I didn't read the second book and the second shock was purely based upon this book. There's a new visitor that just takes control of everybody's emotions in the family. They are unwanted but her mama can never turn anyone down because she's just so good. I knew from the start the author was going to try to make me like this person but I was not going to like this person no matter what! She changed my mind anyways. With some tears in my eyes I admitted that I liked them now when there was a touching moment in the book. You'll notice that I don't tell you who it is because that would ruin everything! Just know when the name was revealed a audibly gasped. It couldn't be true! It made for one great twist.

Most of the story is based around April Grace's sister, Myra Sue, who April Grace can't stand. Myra Sue thinks she's so glamorous and strives to be that way. April Grace's response is to call her a D.R.I.P. I think it was intentional that April Grace said more and more awful things about her sister that made me notice and feeling sorry for her sister. I really like April Grace and she has said some things out of sibling rivalry in the past but I think she went too far. You could tell that Myra Sue was feeling low and she didn't need negativity. I foresaw what was going to happen and I can't say I blame Myra Sue for it. The sense of family love came together when this story was through. It was like enough was enough this had to happen for the family to be more like a family. April Grace needed to notice that everyone has feelings. I enjoyed this togetherness coming from the sister's relationship as well as from her mother. I've complained before that April Grace's mother was just way too nice so much so that she caused heartache to her family. This time around I think I finally saw her and appreciated what she was all about. Isabel was also quite the loyal friend being there for April Grace's mom and grandma when they needed some backup. She's come along way.

This book was even better than the first. I am so happy how it all turned out and I so enjoy all of the characters this time around even more. April Grace was her always nosy self that got a few laughs and smiles out of me. Any way she acts she's still her incredibly funny self who people should really start to pay attention to! She knows things and for fear that people would brush off her theories she tried to find proof that there is something going on with her sister. When everything hit the fan who was there to save the day? April Grace of course. I love that girl. This book was less christian fiction for me even if the first book wasn't that much either. It was a nice amount and didn't overwhelm me at all so I think most people will like her story. If you are looking for a good southern children's book with a hilarious main character you should read about April Grace. April Grace truly captured my heart once again.