A review by josiahdegraaf
The Moral Premise: Harnessing Virtue & Vice for Box Office Success by Stanley D. Williams


This book is perhaps one of the best books to offer a clear, step-by-step plan for developing a theme throughout a story after Weiland's Crafting Character Arcs. While Weiland delves more into each plot point than Williams does, Williams does spend more time explaining how themes work to impact audiences and he goes more beyond the character arc than Weiland does.

My main critique of the book is that Williams argues that writers should start with the message they want to deliver. I would posit, however, that starting with a question often creates more meaningful themes since they encourage the writer and the reader to explore a given issue instead of coming to a pre-decided conclusion. Combined with that, Williams also focused a lot on crafting messages that will resonate with the audience. To a certain extent, his argument that themes lead to greater box office success was helpful and interesting; the danger, however, is that if you hyper-focus on an audience's moral preferences in the messages you decide to include in a story, you can too easily just end up preaching to the choir as opposed to coming up with a deeper and more meaningful truth to help them see.

As a result, I worry that some of Williams' methods would lead to simple themes. But he does give a lot of valuable advice on how to develop even simple themes well in a way that moves the audience.

Rating: 3.5-4 Stars (Good).