A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
The Burning Girl by Lisa Unger


The Burning Girl by Lisa Unger is the second book in The Whispers trilogy. It picks up approximately ten years after The Whispers. Eloise’s daughter, Amanda, has married and moved to Seattle. Amanda has two children, Alfie and Finley (whose first name is Emily). Eloise now has a friend, Agatha, who is also psychic and has helped Eloise learn how to handle/deal with her visions. Ray has retired from the police force and become a private investigator. Ray and Eloise work together to solve cases. However, the visions are taking a terrible toll on Eloise and her latest psychic visitor, The Burning Girl, is taking a heavy toll on Eloise. I enjoyed The Burning Girl but found it very short and it ended rather quickly. It felt like the story was not finished. I am hoping that the story line will finish up in the next book The Three Sisters (the last book in the trilogy). Happy Reading!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley/Publisher in exchange for an honest review.