A review by mezzythedragon
Heroine Worship by Sarah Kuhn


Well I have to say this is better than the first story, because I was already hooked from the beginning. Aveda/Annie shows a lot of growth from Heroine Complex, and unlike the first book, this story shows how she and Evie are bffs. In Heroine Complex, Evie keeps trying to convince the audience why she's Aveda's friend, when Aveda was nothing but a fake, image-obsessed, petty rhymes-with-witch.

That being said, Evie is still my favorite of the two, because she really was the underdog who blossomed. Annie, on the other hand, had to learn how to come back down to earth and accept that it's okay not to have everything figured out.

I really didn't care for the romance part. At least the love scenes were quicker, fewer, and more fade-to-black in comparison to the first. I think that's appropriate; Annie and Scott were more tender, while Evie and Nate were the hornier couple. In fact, I was more into the superhero mission in this book, while I was more into Evie and Nate's romance in the other one. I guess when everyone dumps on you (with the exception of Lucy and Scott, but they were minor characters in Heroine Complex), Evie needed someone to "relieve stress with." And yeah, I'd so take Nate "buttoned up in the streets, uncaged beast in the sheets" Jones over Scott Cameron.

Oh, and hooray for the "Hamilton" reference! Someone hinted the third book will be about Bea? That should be interesting, but if I can make a suggestion (I know, not likely to happen, but whatevs), I don't want her hooking up with Sam. I like to see one heroine who's an ace/aro.