A review by madeleine_grace
Elizabeth's Women: Friends, Rivals, and Foes Who Shaped the Virgin Queen by Tracy Borman


I thought this was an okay book. I loved, loved, loved, loved the idea of it...I thought it was really interesting, however many of the perspectives that she offered (most specifically on Anne Boleyn and Mary, Queen of Scots) were very regular and most you could find in any basic introductory biography to Elizabeth I or the Tudor time period...which is fine, only this wasn't supposed to be an introductory biography to Elizabeth I or the Tudor time period. The writing was lazy and confusing at times...making references to ladies who had married or remarried and changed their names without any explanation of who they were...I have read much about about Elizabeth I but have yet to memorize the marital history of single one of her ladies. However, I believe in points for effort so I'd give this something like 2.5 which I rounded up to a good solid 3.

25 out of 50 yr.