A review by guinness74
Why Baseball Matters by Susan Jacoby


Certainly I did not need to read a book entitled ‘Why Baseball Matters’ because, to me, it matters a great deal. But given the details in this book, I find that I’m in an ever-shrinking minority and that most of my peers have either lost interest in the national pastime or never had an interest to begin with. I will say that I do, occasionally, find myself ‘not in the game,’ but I still have a passion for issues between the lines and, though my statistics abilities are subpar, I still delight in the box score and the incredible minutiae of stats that forms the history of Major League Baseball. All of this is to say that Jacoby has written an excellent book detailing what is happening to Baseball and how it doesn’t necessarily need to be fixed (at least not in the ways that are being currently tried and/or suggested), rather that folks need to be reintroduced to the game and engaged with it on its cerebral and leisurely levels.