A review by natanacreativepineapple
To Trust and to Touch by Vivi Anne Hunt


I found this author on Twitter and reached out to receive an ARC of this novel. This is my honest review.
Honestly, when a sex club is mentioned, my mind immediately goes to the gutter haha. This book was much different than I expected. Filled with varied big emotions, an LGBTQ charity, and a tiny mystery in business that I did not expect at all.

I will say that Alex is a downer, they have very low self-esteem - certain scenes made me wanna reach into the book and just shake him. Sigh is a soft daddy that cares so deeply for those in his world that it is all-consuming. Vivi wrote a story that you can submerse yourself in, feeling the emotions of the characters, and the triggers are accurately described so you can know any surprises to watch for.

I enjoyed the story, although a bit annoyed with Alex at times, and I plan to read more written by this author.