A review by jessica_z
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling


So, I know that even though I read book as if I was drinking water, this was my first time reading the second Harry Potter book. I know I know, shocking right? I must say I enjoyed this one better than the first one. I don't know if it was the plot or the fact that I had to get use to J.K. Rowling's writing, but I feel that this book is better. The book was very dark considering that it is a middle grade book. Harry kept hearing a voice that wanted to kill. Pretty dark. And many people say it gets darker. I can't wait to read that. There were many moments in the book were magic seemed like a funny tool to use. Some of the spells just seem a little useless and would only be used for jokes. I can't really to magic seriously in this world sometimes, but it takes place in a kids point of view so I've learn to let it slide. These books are like magic mystery books. The plot and it's characters are in magical setting and there is a mystery to solve. What I don't really understand is why the trio is trying to do everything themselves. I'm sure Dumbledore would have helped them, but they willingly put themselves in danger. Compared to the movie it was easier to understand everything. As a child watching the movies I didn't get a lot of things and know I get them.

Time to talk about characters. Even though the title says Harry Potter I feel like his character was a little flat. He just didn't give off as much emotion as Ron did, so often times Harry came up short. BTW I can totally see Ron and Hermione getting together, because Harry always had to hold Ron back when Hermione was insulted. Maybe Ron is use to the magical world that Ron knows how to react in certain situations and Harry is trying to figure out what is going on. In the movies I wasn't a big fan of Dumbledore, but I like him in the books so far. I can see how Harry finds a father figure or someone that gives guidance. In the movies Dumbledore is very serous, but in the books he's more laid back. Lockhart was irritating and there was so much foreshadow that he didn't do any of the things in his books. The fact that he couldn't teach anything in the class was reason enough not to trust him. I feel like that Hermione needed to get out of the Lockhart fan club after the pixie thing. It was kind of ridiculous to have the smartest person in this book fan girl over Lockhart. Maybe Rowling was trying to show that Hermione is really a normal girl that likes to read and be the top of everything. After writing that I still don't think it fits her character.

Okay plot time. This one had a more consistent plot. Students are getting attacked and the same thing happened fifty years ago. Since the solution before didn't work the characters have to think of a new one. Okay got it. It's better then random things happening at the school and they are some how connected to a stone. But in the end what annoyed me was that they know the person that caused everything, but they can't really prove it. I mean just the way Lucius was acting proves that he had something to do with everything. The fact that Dobby knew something was going to happened and he was the Malfoy's servant. They might be able to build a convincing case against him. Lucius hated that fact that Muggle-born wizards could go to Hogwarts. He raised his son to think the same way, and he tried so hard to get Mr. Wesley fired because he wanted to pass the Muggle Protection Act. It's all there. He planted the diary so a Wesley would get it. I feel bad for Ginny that her first year at Hogwarts and that is what happened to her.

I like the book. I know I'm probably over analyzing a beloved middle grade book, but I guess at this point in the series I'm not at the obsession stage yet, maybe third book will change my mind. I've heard it is nothing like the movie and the third movie is my favorite, but I will just have to see.