A review by johanna_b
Firesong by William Nicholson


The Manth people have left the Mastery behind and began their journey to the homeland. The world has entered into the time of cruelty before it will be purged by the mysterious wind on fire. Ira Hath's strength is failing her day by day but she must guide her people to the homeland. Bowman is awaiting his summons to join the Singer people and play his part in the fate of the world but he can't imagine leaving the people he loves. Kestrel is torn watching her mothers health decline and her brother prepare to leave her forever but she feels her part to play in all of this isn't over. Witness the epic conclusion to the Wind on Fire trilogy where the world will never be the same.

I almost didn't read this book. I didn't enjoy Slaves of the Mastery very much and so part of me wanted to just forget that this series had two other books following the Wind Singer. However, I decided that I'd come this far already I might as well finish it and I'm really glad I did. The plot was even and a lot more fun. There was lots of action and I was never bored. I loved the conclusion, especially the moment where the impossible suddenly became possible!

Another thing I'd struggled with in Slaves of the Mastery was that the characters felt shallow and I never really connected with them but that was much improved with this book. You could feel Kestrel and Bowman's pain at the thought of separation and also the hopelessness that the Manth people felt at many points in their journey. I'm still figuring out if I liked how the author had names for all thirty of the Manth people. On the one hand I thought it was cool that everyone on the journey was given a voice and how you were given lots of different perspectives not just that of the main character. On the other hand though it was distracting and took my focus away from the plot while I tried to figure out who was who.

Overall a solid ending to the Wind on Fire trilogy. I would say that if you make it through Slaves of the Mastery then keep going! it will be worth it in the end. Happy Reading :)