A review by findingmontauk1
River of Souls by T.L. Bodine


I am extremely picky when it comes to reading any sort of book about zombies because between movies, TV, and books, we are definitely in a saturated world. For decades. So when I chose to read this one, it was because I saw in it something special and unique. And I was not wrong! T.L. Bodine has crafted a world where being infected/being undead has been "somewhat cured" by a drug called Lazarus. But you have to keep taking your meds or you might go off the deep end. There are also "home" and facilities for those infected to get better care/attention than they may receive at home with their loved ones trying to do their own 9-to-5 jobs, schools, etc.

We take a huge turn when a son who has put his life on hold to care for his undead father has a car wreck and ends up in the same place. Dead. This story has compassion. It has heart. It is unique and also can be seen as a reflection for some current political times.

4 stars to River of Souls as it kept me entertained and ready for more the whole time I was reading.