A review by ksilvery
No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention by Erin Meyer, Reed Hastings

Did not finish book. Stopped at 31%.
I am DNFing this at 31% because this is the stupidest pile of bulshit that I have ever read in my life (and I’ve read religious texts)!
The audacity if preaching those “no rules rules” and claiming that this is the success story in mind blowing! Every single word made me frustrated, annoyed and I swear I strained my eyes from rolling them so much! Just no!
The examples are self serving and frankly - not even fully there! At some point the author says that after lifting the vacation policies they noticed that people around the office started taking more ownership over things that didn’t directly fall under their responsibilities - like throwing away the spoiled milk from the fridge - and attributed this to the more freedom they’ve gained. 
I cannot… even… just ugh!