A review by crazygoangirl
The Ice House by Minette Walters


This is my first book by Minette Walters and her debut, first published in 1992. This was a fantastic reading experience for me - interesting characters, decent plot, neat twists, and a well paced narrative!

Three friends live together in the Grange, in the village of Streech, Phoebe, Diana and Anne. It’s been 10 years since Phoebe’s husband disappeared and the discovery of a corpse on the property sets into motion a series of events that will change their lives irrevocably.

I loved Walters writing! I loved that she knows her characters inside out and upside down and makes no apologies for their flaws (they have many!). I especially love how she writes Phoebe, Anne and Andy McLoughlin, the main trio of characters that drive the plot forward along with Inspector Walsh, a despicable man if ever there was one!

This is a story about secrets kept and secrets shared; about the challenges of true friendship and the sacrifices we make for those we love. It is also about facing up to one’s faults and finding the strength to overcome internal inertia and external prejudice and make a change. Walters manages to keep the narrative gritty and gripping, but where she excels is in her study of human characters and how they would react in certain situations. Her skill is such that you forget you’re reading fiction - I can’t think of a better way to express how this book made me feel! My only disappointment is that this isn’t a series! I would have LOVED to revisit these three women and Andy a few years down the line! Andy reminds me a lot of Jean Guy Beauvoir, Inspector Armand Gamache’s protege in the Louise Penny series. They’re by no means identical but they’re similar in their thought processes and approach to people.

Yet another author I’ve discovered this year that I’m excited to read! The long term plan is to read all her work 😊