A review by epilieaspiechick
Brave Enough by Kati Gardner


My full review can be found on the Epilie Aspie Chick blog!

Thank you to Flux for providing the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I would like to preface this review with the fact that I have never had cancer, so I cannot say i have any clue what its like. I've watched an aunt die of brain cancer, family friends, but that's the closest its touched my life. So when this book came across my desk, I was intrigued by the premise knowing that the subject would touch many lives along with having the opportunity to better see what its like being in a cancer kid's shoes.

Cason was born to be a ballerina. With a mother as her artistic director and her natural talent, there is nothing that can stop her from reaching her dreams of working for the American Ballet Theater. However, when a pain in her left leg turns into something far more serious - a hidden strain suddenly becomes bone cancer and her life becomes changed forever. All her ballet dreams are permanently ripped away as all those skills that made her better than anyone are taken from her body piece by piece. Even her own mom Natalie is in total denial of the truth in the beginning, refusing to admit just how sick her daughter truly is.

Davis survived cancer, but he barely survived the aftermath. Becoming a drug addict in the aftermath - he struggles everyday to keep clean and repair the life he's let fall apart. This is made even harder by the ex-girlfriend who continues to harass him for her next high that he got her hooked on and the dealer that continues to attempt to get him addicted once again. Everything is a balancing act that seems to be a struggle well known until he meets a new cancer patient named Cason.

Cason and Davis from the outside don't make sense, but once you're a cancer patient things change. Although everyone wants to see you as special, the book makes a point of stating you're really nothing more than fighting for your next day of living. These two fighting for their next day learn to fight together and depend on each other as their separate, fragile worlds fall apart and they cannot handle it on their own. Cason learns to let others in when she has been so used to only living in her ballerina world while Davis finally sees that he isn't the one to blame for every terrible thing and through action, learns to move forward.