A review by existinbliss
First Love by James Patterson, Emily Raymond


A beautiful, and touching read! Please, do not let the negative reviews deter you away from picking up this novel. I picked this book up on a whim at a used bookstore, previously, I had never heard of this title and had never bothered to pick up a James Patterson book. Man, I'm certainly glad that this novel caught my eye. Lately, I had been on a thriller and mystery kick, and needed a break from the genre. I was looking for a touching story that would just touch my heart, and move me: this novel did just that!

It is impossible to explain how beautifully the book began, and all the emotions it stirred up inside of me. What a great contemporary romance novel! It is well written, the story is beautifully told. It is not often that I find myself choking back tears or crying: it's just not who I am or in my demeanor, but I had to grab the tissues on this one.

The novel is based on two friends Axi and Robinson, who decide to embark on a journey across the United States, leaving behind the small town they have come to know all too well. Do the two remain friends? Or is there something more there?

5/5 Stars: I found this novel to be touching and inspiring. It was a quick and fast-paced read. I literally could not put the book down. (I lost sleep trying to finish this book because it was just that darn good! By the way, I read the entire book in less than 24 hours!) I have never been a huge fan of contemporary romance, but this novel has broadened my horizons and opened my eyes to the genre, personally I think I may now be addicted. I did not realize until after I finished the book that this story is based on a real life experience James Patterson shared with someone near and dear to his heart. "First Love" has left an imprint on my heart, and will have a forever home on my bookshelf.