A review by bookishworm28
Lore Olympus: Volume One by Rachel Smythe


At this point the series is finished on Webtoon and this is a review of it overall. Also this review contains a massive spoiler that I think people should know about before deciding to support Rachel Smythe. 

As an older fan all I can say is don’t waste your money on it just go to your local library to read for free if you’re curious because soon that’ll be your only option as the series will be locked behind a paywall. 

Anyways what doesn’t make the series worth spending a coin on it is that overall it’s just unsatisfying from plot endings to the romance. Due to a number of fans asking for more Persephone and Hades a bunch of sideplots and character development gets pushed aside A LOT. As for the romance even though it’s advertised as a slowburn it’s really not, like Hades falls in love with Persephone a couple panels into the start of the series during when she’s in distress and vulnerable btw which you’ll see a lot. After reading this series Hades is really into vulnerable women. 

Then it’s hardly a Feminist Retelling as advertised since there are more instances of Women vs Women moments than there are of them supporting each other. They’re also usually fighting over a guy too or out right being petty because someone dares to be prettier. 

Then don’t get me started on the Age Gap or the SA. Now I don’t usually mind them but Lore Olympus definitely did both so VERY wrong. Like for the age gap right from the beginning the fact that Persephone is too young for Hades is shoved into your face every single chapter to an uncomfortable degree. Also the SA is just a No and ultimately has the WORST ENDING. Warning Spoiler for the SA plot
All Apollo gets is Guilt and Community Service as his punishment…..The guilt he feels isn’t even genuine it’s being forced upon him by magic and during it all he can think about is how to make it stop. Not even thinking about how he can atone. Rachel really just wrote a rapist getting off easy. Also Persephone isn’t his only victim so like Wtf.
.Safe to say I threw out any LO merch and comics I have because of that.  

In NO way shape or form am I supporting Rachel Smythe again. 

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