A review by bryckk
Consort's Glory by Abigail Kelly


Theodore & Margot: Beautifully Matched Fated Mates- 5 Stars

There is no truer a statement than "You can't judge a book by its cover". This is definitely the case with this book. I cringe when I think about how I almost missed out on this amazing love story due to the cover. I mean... let's face it, when compared to the more popular "stud-muffin-sexy" covers, this one fails to draw you in. However, having read EMPIRE (I loved it!), I decided to read it, anticipating another great love story.

I wasn't disappointed!

In this novel, we meet Margot, a Healer who has set up a healing house in the Protectorate. A kind soul who has healed many finds herself in dire straits when she discovers that she is dying. The reason being that she has not found her bondmate, a person who she can bond with to offset the damage of the effects of her magic. She has no idea that the Sovereign, Theodore Solbourne (Elvin) is her fated mate and has been waiting for 25 years to be with her. A tragic turn of events forces him to reveal himself sooner than later and Margot (a Witch) has a hard time accepting that an Elf would be her mate as the history between the two species has been horrific.

What I love most about Abigail Kelly's characters is that the Heroes have such love and adoration for their mates its inspiring. It's like they cannot see anyone other than their mate and the would burn the world down for them. It's beautiful.

I have added the rest of Ms. Kelly's books to my TBR pile. If you love paranormal romance, this is the series you should be reading and keeping an eye on!

Happy reading!